
Vietnamese sisters renew vows in Dubuque

From left to right: Sisters Nhiem Nguyen, Dien Vu, Hoa Phung and Kathy Knipper at Mount St. Francis Center. (Photo by Sister Phyllis Manternach, OSF)

DUBUQUE — Sisters Nhiem Nguyen, Dien Vu, and Hoa Phung, who are Lovers of the Holy Cross from the Diocese of Vinh in Vietnam, renewed their vows at Mount St. Francis Center (MSFC) in Dubuque on Aug. 12.

The Dubuque Franciscan Sisters hosted the vow renewal ceremony as the Vietnamese Sisters’ superior general was unable to travel to the United States due to COVID-19. The Sisters from Vietnam share community life at MSFC and attend classes daily at Divine Word College.

“Witnessing the renewal of vows of these spirited sisters gives all of us reasons for living and hoping,” said Sister Kathy Knipper, President of the Dubuque Franciscans. “Sharing community with them connects us with the global sisterhood of religious life.”

Cover image: Sister Thuan Phan (center) prays with Sister Dien Vu (right) as Sister Dien professes her vows. (Photo by Sister Phyllis Manternach, OSF)