
Please be advised that The Witness will cease publication at the close of business on September 30. We will be reaching out to each advertiser soon. We appreciate your support.

The Witness advertising department is happy to help you design and place your ad. Rates are very economical. Spot or full color is available. Our paper is a tabloid (11 3/8”x13 3/4”). Your pre-printed insert can be distributed in any issue of The Witness.

Advertising is due ten days prior to publication. All copy is subject to the approval of the editor. Open rate: $12.95. Frequency rates available. Deadline: noon Thursday.

Policy: The Witness does not accept political advertising.
Special inserts — $60 per thousand. Due at the printer two weeks prior to publication.
Specialty advertising available for Christmas issue and Easter issue.

Production Manager/Advertising Sales
Bret Fear
1229 Mt Loretta Ave, Dubuque, Iowa 52003
(563) 588-0556; FAX: (563) 588-0557
After hours and weekends: FAX: (563) 556-5464