
BVM sisters celebrate golden jubilees

Three Sisters of Charity, BVM will celebrate their jubilees on July 30, 2017, with a liturgy and dinner at Mount Carmel, Dubuque, Iowa.


The three golden jubilarians listed below entered the BVM congregation on July 31, 1967.


Sister Joan Nuckols, BVM

Sister Joan Nuckols was born in Butte, Montana, and professed first vows on March 28, 1970, and final vows on June 12, 1977. She taught at Xavier HS in St. Louis; Xavier HS in Phoenix; and South Central Jr. HS and Butte Central HS in Butte, Montana. She then ministered at Xavier College Preparatory HS in Phoenix as teacher, campus minister, and vice principal for academics and campus ministry. She currently serves as principal at Xavier College Preparatory.

“Being a BVM is the core to who I am, what I do, how I share God’s blessings in my life,” says Sister Joan. “Living in community these past 50 years is a great blessing in my life. I have been privileged and encouraged to do so many things—teaching history, being campus minister, vice-principal and now principal. I have been very fortunate to travel as a BVM to so many places. Most memorable has been the Lourdes pilgrimage during Holy Week which helps me to realize the worldwide Catholic community and respond to the journey that God calls each of us to follow.”

A celebration Mass and reception will also be held at Xavier in the Chapel of Our Lady at Xavier College Preparatory, Oct. 21, 2017, to celebrate her golden jubilee.


Sister Linda Roby, BVM

Sister Linda Roby was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and professed first vows on March 28, 1970, and final vows on April 18, 1976. In Dubuque, she served as formation director at Mount Carmel. She taught elementary students at St. John School for the Deaf in Milwaukee; and taught elementary school at St. Pius X in Des Moines, Iowa; and St. Clare in Portland, Oregon, where she also served the Portland Regional Center as a visiting teacher for elementary and secondary school deaf students integrated into regular classrooms. She currently ministers as director of Catholic Deaf Ministry for the Archdiocese of Portland, a position she has held for many years.

Sister Linda shares, “I’ve been blessed to have worked with the deaf most of my ministerial life, especially in my 30 years with the Catholic deaf in the Portland Archdiocese. Their unique language and culture—and their strong sense of community and care for each other—inspire me. As a faith community we’ve extended this care to include outreach to those in need in our neighborhood and around the world. Deaf leadership and pride are alive and well in Portland!”

A celebration for Sister Linda will also take place in Portland at the end of June.


Sister Lynn Winsor, BVM

Sister Lynn Winsor was born in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, and professed first vows on March 28, 1970, and final vows on April 17, 1976. She taught physical education and coached at Xavier HS in St. Louis. In Phoenix, she taught physical education and coached basketball, golf and softball at Xavier College Preparatory HS, where she later served as vice principal for activities/athletic director, positions in which she continues to minister today. She is a certified master athletic administrator, golf coach, and is active in state and national organizations related to athletics.

“My ministry as a BVM sister revolves around the broad spectrum of activities, athletics and sports. What better way to experience God’s love than through gift of movement, positive interaction with others, and teaching through example values like honesty, integrity, justice and charity through the medium of sports and athletics,” shares Sister Lynn. “To be a BVM for me means increasing my relationship with Christ, sharing community life with my BVM sisters, and serving God’s people in the Catholic secondary school setting.”

A celebration Mass and reception will also be held at Xavier in the Chapel of Our Lady at Xavier College Preparatory, Oct. 21, 2017, to celebrate her golden jubilee.


To send a congratulatory message to a sister on her jubilee or to donate to the BVM congregation on behalf of these sisters, please go to www.bvmcong.org/whatsnew_jubs.cfm.