
Sr. M. Donna Demmer, PBVM, celebrates golden jubilee

DUBUQUE — “My Treasures Lie in the Glory of God,” is the theme for Presentation Sister Mary Donna Demmer as she celebrates 50 years of religious life on July 30. She will observe her jubilee at a Mass and dinner with Presentation sisters, family and other invited guests at Sisters of the Presentation Mount Loretto, Dubuque.

“The readings for the Sunday liturgy speak to me that the kingdom can be found anywhere because it is God. It is the love among us,” reflects Sister Donna. “As a woman religious and a teacher, I find the kingdom of heaven by offering a warm welcome, encouraging others to be their best, and seeing the good in others. Through my ministry of teaching, I hope each day that those with whom I come in contact will come to see that having God, they have everything. As Solomon asked not for riches but for an understanding heart, I pray and hope others will come to know what is right and just.”

Sister Donna entered the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1967. She received a B.A. degree in math and elementary education at Clarke University, Dubuque, and professed final vows in 1976. Currently, Sister Donna teaches and serves on several committees at Resurrection Elementary School in Dubuque where she has been serving since 1989. Previously Sister Donna taught in Catholic elementary schools in Iowa at St. Columbkille, Dubuque; St. Mary, Humboldt; and St. Mary, Storm Lake; and at St. Germaine School, Oak Lawn, Illinois.

Sister Donna serves as a eucharistic minister and as a member of the arts and environment committee for the Church of the Resurrection. In addition, she is a member of the Catholic Sisters for a Healthy Earth task group made up of representatives from congregations of women religious from the upper Mississippi River Valley in eastern Iowa and southwestern Wisconsin. The group intention is to take a new look at how all that humans are and do is interconnected and tied to the well-being of all living things.

“This jubilee celebration is a time to reflect on the treasures that I have in my life – the treasures of faith, family, friends, community and associates. Through relationships and friendships with those I have and do work with now I am gifted with the passion to live the mission of Jesus. They encourage me to share my gifts and talents. Working with children and seeing their compassion and support for others gives me the energy to love what I do each day,” shares Sister Donna.