
Cedar Falls native makes first vows in Peru

By Suzy Luecke
Special to the Witness

LIMA — On June 8 in Lima, Peru, Sr. Leann Luecke, PES, made first vows with the religious order Pro Ecclesia Sancta.

Sister Leann has been in formation for the past four years, spending the first year in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the rest of the time at the formation house outside of Lima, Peru. Sister Leann was among six sisters and four men making their first vows at Mass on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The sisters received their new habits, now including a white veil. The habits were presented by their parents and given to the superior general of the order for blessing and bestowing to each sister. Once all of the sisters received their new habits, they left the worship space to be vested in their new habits.

As the song “Here I am Lord” played, the newly vested sisters returned to the worship space to a standing ovation from over 1,500 parishioners who packed the church. Tears of love flowed from many in attendance as they saw the profound joy on the sisters’ faces. Many of those tears came from Sister Leann’s family. Parents Brian and Suzy of Cedar Falls, along with Sister Leann’s aunt and uncle Julie and Jeff Johnson of Waterloo, traveled to Peru to share in this sacred moment. Sister Leann has one sibling, Sister Lynn, who was beaming with joy for her sister. Sister Lynn is also in formation with Pro Ecclesia Sancta in Peru.

Sister Leann will be assigned to one of the order’s apostolates later this year. Pro Ecclesia Sancta currently serves in several communities throughout Peru; Ecuador; Madrid, Spain; the Twin Cities; and the Diocese of Sacramento, California.

Sister Leann grew up as a member of St. Patrick Parish in Cedar Falls, attending St. Patrick Catholic School and Columbus High School.


Sister Leann Luecke, PES, (right) received a habit after making her first vows at at Mass in Peru. She is pictured with her own sister, Sister Lynn Luecke, also from Cedar Falls, who is in formation with the same religious order. (Contributed photo)