Current subscribers registration
Dear Subscribers,
After careful consideration that included a thorough review of subscriptions, finances, and available resources, it has been decided that the archdiocese will discontinue The Witness at 4:30 PM on 30 September 2020. The issue dated 4 October 2020 will be the last.
Since the first issue on 24 February 1921, The Witness, described at that time as “A weekly journal devoted to the interests of the Catholic Church” has been sharing news and stories from the global, national, and local archdiocesan Church with its subscribers.
The Witness has not been immune to the strains and hardships experienced by the greater newsprint industry in recent years. The declining number of subscribers–and therefore the reach of the publication–is in stark contrast to the amount of resources needed to continue publishing. This is true even after reducing the number of issues by half during the last fiscal year.
No endeavor can last for 99 years without diligent work by faithful, dedicated, and talented people. We thank our staff for their hard work. This is tough news to share and receive. Leaders at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center will accompany those affected by the change through this difficult time.
We understand that you have many questions regarding the discontinuation of the paper, your paid subscription and other details. Be assured that you will receive more information in a letter to be mailed to your residence before the end of August.
Finally, please accept our heart-felt gratitude for your support of The Witness. It is true that the publication would not have lasted for 99 years without dedicated, hard-working staff. It is also true that your support has allowed the paper to serve the people of the archdiocese for many years.
In Christ,
Deacon John Robbins
Communications Director
Archdiocese of Dubuque